I was thinking about something.
I sort of think the way we dress is like having a nonverbal conversation with everyone we come in contact with.
Would you sit in a room and speak aloud to yourself? Maybe, but likely you would seek an audience for your words.
So while I think, "I dress for myself" I am maybe nonverbally speaking aloud in a room full of people who have an opportunity to listen to me if they want to, but they either have to come to my house or visit me on the internet. This doesn't make any sense.
BLAAA. Happy freaking Monday anyone. My brain had a great point over the weekend but apparently it is gone now.
Deep Thoughts have been brought to you by
Sunday and the letter
{EDIT: This is what I am talking about!! I am pretty sure I just want to sit in a room with a full teapot and some cucumber sandwiches and talk to this "Anonymous EM" all freaking day long. To be completely honest, I had two whole long paragraphs originally for this post where I went on about gender roles and how my motivations behind my decisions to wear certain shoes must say something about my nature or drives and I got all caught up on my temporary desire to create the illusion of longer legs (with platform heeled sandals) but decided to can it all since it was Monday and a bit too heavy. This comment makes me realize that Mondays are for fresh thoughts (for some people) and although I am still a bit incoherent and all over the place, it is refreshing to receive this comment from EM (especially after getting an earlier anonymous comment from a practical shoe hater, who I also suspect, from other comments he has left, also hates my bangs and likes my hair long and flowing. Hmmm. Too bad Anony.) SO THANK YOU EM. You made my day! I hope that a mutual friend does introduce us someday.}
Anonymous said...
I believe the way we dress is like a (more or less) subtle display of who we are - or what we want to show of ourselves to the world.
Not precise as pheromones for animals - we can trick others whereas animals can't - but like a non verbal ID, yes.
If I like the way you dress when I see you first, especially if it is mutual, there is some sort of recognition that will come right away the next time I get to see you
and often, we will happen to share common interests if our dressing schemes are close (or at least the interest of looking different than a majority which brings us back to a shared interest for fashion ).
Then we might exchange smiles or have eye contact & surprisingly - or not - we might be introduced to each other soon after by a common friend!
We should never ignore these signals; most of the time they're not even conscious in people's minds & to me this is when they speak the truth about who they are; some master the "dressing psychology" according to who they hang out with and circumstances to show they belong or not, to trick others or just for fun.
Some will put together an eclectic style & will change "characters" from a day to another.My morning ritual starts with
"Who do I want to BE today"?
I use it for all, but mostly for fun and definitely belong to the second category.
I do believe we never only dress for ourselves: my look doesn't exist if not in the observer's eyes, does it?
I love fashion; it reveals so much about people & is a powerful,creative and ever evolving way of expression.
See, you're not the only one with these - not so pointless - thoughts!! ;)
Love your blog, am hooked.
Don't always like ALL of your clothes but totally get the coherence between your nature, your mood and your outfits.That's my definition of style.
Dig your writing too.
Thank you for this daily treat.
A bientôt,
Sweater vest, belt, dress, beret, shoes: thirfted
Bracelet: gift from Mother-in-law