
Just Playing

I have been feeling a bit under the weather the past couple of days.  Great for blog reading.  Bad for keeping up with chores.  A sign that I am feeling better:  I did muster some energy to actually take a shower and play in my closet a little (PRIORITIES).  Felt so inspired by all the stylish people on weardrobe, I did a little winterizing in my wardrobe.  Added leggings, a scarf, hats, boots,  jackets- all really fun things anyway. I have to admit that I hate wearing pants actually.  I am really a summer girl.


Anonymous said...

Candis and I both hate wearing pants, especially jeans. We both find skirts and dresses to be way more flattering!

You're pictures are gorgeous. I'm adding you to our blogroll right now!

Idée Géniale said...

K the first thing I thought when I came across your blog was :"Oh my, that girl looks like me!". Then I thought thay you really looked more like Maggie Gylenhal whilst I usually get the Katty P and Zooey D references (Maggie only came up before I cut my bangs) So to respond to your comment, no I am not creeped out by your comment b/c I thought the same thing!

I also hate wearing pants and have boycotted them all summer but now with the cold weather approaching and exhausting my dress selection, i'm on the hunt for a good pair of pants. Something like the ones you have here actually. I'll have to look into this....

I'm glad I came across your blog, our styles are so similar that I can get inspired through your awesome outfits and know that they'll probably work on me too!

Lulu said...

Love your outfits, especially the third one!

I hate wearing pants too, even during the winter. I just wear two to three pairs of leggings...

A said...

where are those pants from!!! need them... need them now.
Just glorious!

xxamy and alex


Ashley Jennings said...

Oh my!!! This set is definately your best look so far...Unbelievable!!!! Love all of them!

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